Are most white American Christians actually committed to a Religion of Whiteness?
In their book, The Religion of Whiteness: How Racism Distorts Christian Faith, authors and scholars Michael O. Emerson and Glenn E. Bracey II respond definitively: "yes." The majority of white Christians in America, they argue, are believers in a "Religion of Whiteness" that shapes their faith, their politics, and more. This religion has its own unique beliefs, practices, sacred symbols, and organizations. What is more, this religion affects more than just churches. It drives the nation's politics, divides families, and is especially harmful to communities of color.
Come join Flourish Faith & Justice for a summer book club read of The Religion of Whiteness and a chance to pour over and discuss the reporting Emerson and Bracey have done to show how the Religion of Whiteness shapes the practice of Christianity for millions of Americans--and what can be done to confront it. There is an in person option or zoom option available for particiaption.
This book can be purchased in The Flourish Collective's online bookstore at here.