Table Talks

We offer different learning recordings from our live events in the following areas:

  1. Education

  2. Housing & Wealth

  3. Workplace

  4. Environment

  5. Policing

  6. Health Care

  7. Legal System

  8. Immigration

  9. Elections


Where Do We Go From Here? Google Doc >> linked here offers  further learning and action steps.

Housing & Wealth

Where Do We Go From Here? Ideas, suggestions and further research >>linked here.


Please enjoy this robust conversation moderated by Flourish Co-Founder Lynnette Marshall 

  • Alicia F Griffin, Founder, Affinity Focus Group 

  • Yanira Guzman, Founder, The Career Gem 

  • Nicole “Nikki” Hines, President of the Nyack, New York NAACP

  • James Marshall, former U.S. Naval Vet & Verizon Wireless executive 

  • Humera Nawaz, Operations Manager in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Our Table Talks generally start off with a taught section that helps us put a particular aspect of system racism into historic and modern day context. These sections highlight current research and statistics about a topic as well as the historic background to ground us in an understanding of how our modern system was shaped over the years. Below you will find Part 1 and 2 about Healthcare.


Live Panel Discussion Recording January 19th 2022  hosted by Co Founder, Lisa Victoria Felix a member of Pit River Nation as she engages with these three panelists:

  • Mona Munroe-Younis, Environmental Justice Action Group  Sierra Club Flint, MI

  • Brittani Orona, Board Director of Save California Salmon

  • Shanna Yazzie, Project Manager of the Navajo Mountain Water Project for DigDeep

Our Table Talks generally start off with a taught section that helps us put a particular aspect of system racism into historic and modern day context. These sections highlight current research and statistics about a topic as well as the historic background to ground us in an understanding of how our modern system was shaped over the years. Below you will find Part 1 and 2 about environment.


Watch Live Discussion ( the first ten minutes were not recorded.)

  • Detective Sergeant Rony Charles, of Springs Valley, NY and volunteer leads Youth & Police Initiative and his colleague  Police Officer Andre Riobe

  • David Peters, Flourish Collective Impact Partner & Founder of Black Liberation Waking Tour & member of West Oakland Cultural Action Network; 

  • Sean Goode, Flourish Collective Impact Partner and  Executive Director of Choose 180, who serves as the Co-Chair of the Transform 911 Alternative First Responder's Work Group;

  • Vince and Delna Ramirez, Flourish Founders and actively engaged in working with their local county sheriff department.

Our Table Talks generally start off with a taught section that helps us put a particular aspect of system racism into historic and modern day context. These sections highlight current research and statistics about a topic as well as the historic background to ground us in an understanding of how our modern system was shaped over the years.Below you will find Part 1 and 2 about Policing.


We’re joined by an expert of panelists:  

  • Dr. Mark Geller, President and CEO - Montefiore Nyack Hospital; 

  • Patricia Guzman, BSBA, IBCLC, ICCE, PMH-C, PRaM; and 

  • Dr. Christine Blaski, Pulmonary Medicine, Salem Hospital, Salem, MA.

  • Dr. Chinazo Cunningham, New York City, NY; physician, researcher, and Professor of Medicine.

Where Do We Go From Here? See this >> google doc for Action Steps.

Criminal System

Where Do We Go From Here? See this >> google doc with some action steps.


Here are the >> Slides

Here is the >> Follow Up Email with Resources

Our esteemed panelists:


Most of us have been painfully aware of the history of racism in our electoral system.  In this Table Talk we will briefly trace that history so that we understand the disparities and injustices that still exist today AND are emboldened to get involved this election season to make our voting process fair and just for all.  Michele Sbrana and Kim Schenk will be hosting along with a special guest host,  Lorrie Narcisse, former Campaign Organizer, Legal Assistant and certified history buff!  As usual, our esteemed panelists will help guide us.  They are: